I never had to tell him that I was having a bad day, he just knew. I never had to tell him when I was mad at him, he just knew. I never had to tell him when I was so happy, because you guessed it, he just knew. I told him every one of my secrets; the good, the bad, and the ugly ones. He saw me at my best and he saw me at my very worst. He was there after every heart break, every loss of every game, he was there through it all. Every time my friends were mad at me he knew just how to cheer me up. He didn't hold grudges and he didn't seek revenge. He always loved. He loved me when I was mean. He loved me when I was ugly. He loved me when I told him I hated him. He loved me when I was ten and had stitches covering the better part of my face. He loved me every minute, of every hour, of every day. To me he was love.
John 3:16 may seem generic, but when you really think about it can you even wrap your mind around the concept? God so loved the world that he gave us his one and only son, so that who ever believes in him will not perish but have ever lasting life. I never really understood unconditional love until I found myself bargaining with God to let me keep him. To let him stay just a little longer. I begged God to let me have him for just one more day. One day wouldn't have been enough but it was better than the alternative. God didn't bargain, God didn't beg...God gave up his own heart beat so that we could have one.
Naturally being twenty-two and a female I find myself being naive at times thinking that if I seek love I will find it. I just assume that if it always works out for Drew Berrymore after ninety minutes than surely it will work out for me too. I have stumbled on the road, played the game, and daydreamed of an insatiable love. All the while ignoring the fact that God has been offering me a real, raw, passionate love. I have disregarded that God so loved the world, that God so loved me that he gave up his one and only, his true love, his son.
My true love had black and brown hair and sported a winter coat even in the summer. He let his chest hair hang out and on him it was cute. His brown eyes saw every single one of my blemishes and loved me in spite of them. He was my one and only, he was my best friend. He wasn't Jesus, but he sure did love like him. It's because of Blazer that I know all dogs really do go to heaven.
I think that God created man's best friend so that we'd be able to relate to him a little bit better. A dog and God have more in common than the fact that if you reverse their names you get the other...Good dogs love us, like a good God loves us, and I for one can't fathom that. Although we were created in God's image I wouldn't be surprised if when I get to heaven I see a canine quality in his eyes.
I know that most people see love as a four letter word, but I think it's either six or three...
Blazer is love.
God is love.
Both are pretty similar in my opinion.